Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two Years Married, a Toddler, and a Baby on the Way!

First off, I feel overwhelmingly compelled to state that the correlation of babies matching the number years that Chris and I are married will surely not be a trend. Secondly, we are SO EXCITED!  Moreover, I am thrilled to say adios to the first trimester.

Chris recently asked me at one of my “green” moments what it felt like to be pregnant and to that I responded:

It feels as though you maybe drank a bottle of wine the previous night (with no such luck), and then drank a bottle of Nyquil in the morning to start your day.

To this description, I propose the following – the first and second trimester should switch spots…thoughts ladies? I say we vote.

Anyways, Happy Anniversary Christopher (Feb 20th)! I love you so much and am so lucky to get to have a family with you.

1 comment:

  1. Huge congratulations, guys! Two-under-two isn't half as hard as you would expect; the kiddos are going to be great friends!
