Monday, February 7, 2011

Winner Gets JACK!

What happens when there is a hardcore Steelers fan and die hard Green Bay Packers fan in one house…the steaks get high. Struggling to think of what to bet for Superbowl (no point in betting money when it’s all the same anyways), it was suggested mid, first half yesterday that the winner gets Jack as a devoted member of their football team’s fan club.

Booya – so sorry Chris. Maybe you should talk to Benny about the difference between Green + Yellow and Black + Yellow…is it confusing? In the mean time the Jack Pack and I are on the hunt for a mini jersey; we’re thinking #52.


Jack and Mama - the Packers Fans!

Jack in his temporary t-shirt (please note this is the best picture that I could get of Jack being "still")

1 comment:

  1. Mara, you are not sorry. And it is Big Ben, not Benny. GB played well, but I know you were nervous at the end.
