Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two Years Married, a Toddler, and a Baby on the Way!

First off, I feel overwhelmingly compelled to state that the correlation of babies matching the number years that Chris and I are married will surely not be a trend. Secondly, we are SO EXCITED!  Moreover, I am thrilled to say adios to the first trimester.

Chris recently asked me at one of my “green” moments what it felt like to be pregnant and to that I responded:

It feels as though you maybe drank a bottle of wine the previous night (with no such luck), and then drank a bottle of Nyquil in the morning to start your day.

To this description, I propose the following – the first and second trimester should switch spots…thoughts ladies? I say we vote.

Anyways, Happy Anniversary Christopher (Feb 20th)! I love you so much and am so lucky to get to have a family with you.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Winner Gets JACK!

What happens when there is a hardcore Steelers fan and die hard Green Bay Packers fan in one house…the steaks get high. Struggling to think of what to bet for Superbowl (no point in betting money when it’s all the same anyways), it was suggested mid, first half yesterday that the winner gets Jack as a devoted member of their football team’s fan club.

Booya – so sorry Chris. Maybe you should talk to Benny about the difference between Green + Yellow and Black + Yellow…is it confusing? In the mean time the Jack Pack and I are on the hunt for a mini jersey; we’re thinking #52.


Jack and Mama - the Packers Fans!

Jack in his temporary t-shirt (please note this is the best picture that I could get of Jack being "still")

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Night Time Sleep - Letter #2

Dear Night Time Sleep,

Hey Buddy, did you and Jack have a fight? You guys seemed to be getting on so well for the past six months or so! Day time sleep is only casually involved at this time; it can't be a jealously issue.

Can you let me know and sort it out quickly? Chris and I are TIRED!
Hope to see you soon (we are free tonight),


(To View Letter #1 click here)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh What a Birthday (month)!

January is a very busy birthday month in both the Enns and the Blatz families.

So with out further a due:

  • Happy Birthday Jack (January 1)
  • Happy Birthday Mel (January 2)
  • Happy Birthday Steven (January 15)
  • Happy Birthday Leif (January 17)
  • Happy Birthday Carly (January 30)
  • Happy Birthday Chris (January 30)
Honorable mention – Kaitlyn (January 10), Aaron (January 10), Darryl (January 13), and Nolan (January 14) 

To cap off the birthday month I thought that I would share a few photos of my nephew Leif’s very thoughtful birthday gifts to his Uncle Chris and Mummy... Enjoy!

Leif thought that uncle Chris needed new glasses (and that they kind of already looked like him)

Leif's gift for him Mom (who obviously was missing plastic dogs in her life)?

Thank you Leif - you made the perfect ending to a month full of birthdays!