Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Jack, we are not going to Daycare

Admittedly so, when the thought of putting Jack into Daycare started lurking last summer I was pretty traumatized.  How on EARTH was he going to make it through the day without hugs and kisses from me and Chris all day?  The answer my friends…just fine.

Fine is actually a dramatic understatement.  Every time that we are getting ready to leave the house and put on Jack’s trusty rain coat he thinks that we are going to Daycare. Every time that Jack goes into Chris’ car he assumes that we are on our way to Daycare – can a toddler be disappointed?  Furthermore, when the destination is actually Daycare, he vibrates with excitement as the car pulls into the driveway and tugs at the straps of his car seat until you get him out.

In conclusion we owe Denise the biggest THANK YOU
Thank you for taking care of Jack as if he is your own. 
Thank you for allowing Chris and I to be at work without worry. 
Thank you for sending pictures of the fun things that you guys are doing.  

You are the best!

Learning to give kisses

She even has a SWING!

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