Thursday, October 6, 2011

Okay - he's that kid!

Oh wow - I have that kid.  The kid that once music class is over you go home and tell your spouse that "little Addison was a dream but there was this one kid...".

Let me set the scene (most accurately by noting that the room literally had a wall of 30 + exercise balls from floor to ceiling).  Saturday morning at 10:45* a group of ten or so 2 and unders together with their parents and lead by Miss Sue, sing songs, dance, read stories, and sit in a circle.

I had pumped Jack up for this all morning so we got there and what do we do?  We sit in a quiet circle...yikes!  Now, I'm not sure if everyone else gave their kids gravol before class but all the kiddies sat there so nicely with their mums and dads while I struggled as an adult to pin my son down on my lap.  Thankfully Miss Sue is clearly well trained and started the free dance portion where Jackie proceeded to introduce the wall of exercise balls to other children.

I can not really say too much more about the class, once we were up moving and shaking with colourful scarves and bells in hand Jack was awesome (except for that bit of circle time when Miss Sue read a book about babies to the nice sitting children (or standing - shout out to Nolan), and Jack ran around the circle saying "no" over and over...just a little blip really...not going to make any correlation between the subject of the book and our new family member).

Can't wait for next week!

* as an additional disclaimer (of which I stated a few times in a voice dramatically louder than my inside one) - Jack usually has a nap at 1030am...I'm just saying.


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