Vancouver seems to have a constant stream of stars at any time, there is always some movie being filmed or some cool event that is going on. With that said, you would think that I would be rubbing elbows with Rob Pattinson and Sarah Mclaughlin constantly...not so much.
With the Olympics in town there are more famous people than ever and FINIALLY I saw someone! We were downtown on Monday, getting the water Taxi from Grandville Island to Downtown and who do I see? Summer from the OC! Below are two pictures found on the internet by Chris of Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen....and me...almost litterly rubbing elbows. The Paparazzi can be so invasive. That is right folks, in the very right of the pictures is my arm and Jack's stroller. I am currently taking email requests for autographs:
I cannot believe that Jack is almost 2 months old!Weighing in at close to 10lbs, he is changing every day.Chris and I are having so much fun learning all of Jack’s different noises and looks; among the most fun have been learning which sounds etc, Jack is afraid of;
·His own hands
·Clicking (seat belt)
·Snapping (car seat)
·Auntie Carly’s baby gate
·Sudden movements
·Non sudden movements that could be mistaken for sudden movements
·Deep breaths (while sitting with mum and dad)
But most of all, Jack HATES the sound of Velcro...who knew it could be so scary!?!
On the flip side, here is a list of sounds that Jack is not afraid of:
Today marks our One Year Wedding Anniversary! It is crazy to think that in less than one year Chris and I have gotten married, moved into our first home, and had a baby. What an amazing year!
We hope that you have a great day and we love you so much! Thank you so much for the drop bys and lunch dates when ever you are in the "area". You are the best!
Today marks the beginning of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and this family has the SPIRIT!Jack and I were lucky enough to get to see the torch relay as it came through Langley on Monday.
Do you believe?
PS - If you need a little bit of extra spirt go the link below:
Jack is clearly overwhelmed with spirit
Our friends who made the long treck to Langley Events Centre; Joy + Jillian, Lindsay + Everett
The Festivites
Lindsay + Everett Mara + Jack with the torch!! (no idea who the carrier is)
Waiting for the torch to pass us... idea who this is but VERY cool! Jack - "This torch relay is so 2 hours ago!"
This feels has been a while since we really got to spend some time together.I can tell that things have changed and I want to assure you that it’s me, not you.
In the past I have taken you for granted and have just expected you to be there when I am ready.I am not going to do that anymore, I have too much respect for you now, it is the classic “you don’t’ know what you have until it’s gone”
I know that I still get to see you every night for short stints at a time but I feel that something has come between us.I will just say it out loud...its Jack, but please do not get irritated with him.He is just getting to know you.Sometimes you can be a little bit dark and quiet for a baby...Jack loves Day Time Sleep with all of its’ light, and noise, they actually hang out all of the time; in the car, at home watching TV, vacuuming...I think I heard him yesterday saying something about “Day Time Sleep and BFF”.
Night Time Sleep, I think that with time you and Jack could really hit it off and that eventually we could all be really close.So, in the mean time, I will replace your goodness with copious amounts of under eye makeup, and that slightly queasy feeling.
Please recognize that this is just a break...not a break up.I am devoted to getting back to the way things were.
I love you Night Time Sleep and I think of you often,
I have to give a BIG thank you Chris and Carly. Yesterday was a bit of a rough day - Jack was up all night and really did not have a good sleep during the day. He seemed to cry more, eat more, and cry more than any other day.
Last night Chris got home from a busy day at work, made me dinner, and then sent me out of the house for some "me time" (which was spent at my first post pardum gym dance class where I learned that I am out of shape, DEFINITELY need a better bra, and that maybe saying "screw you fitness" for nine months was not the best idea). To top it off, he had a glass of wine waiting for when I got home...I feel SO luck to have Chris!
Now for the thank you to Carly - who in the middle of the crying frenzie of February 3, 2010, brought me starbucks and had a quick chat with Jack to lay down the law - came over this afternoon so that I could go and get a pedicure (with the secret motive of having a good cuddle with Jack).
Thank you so much you two - I feel like a whole new person (with freshly painted toes and sore hamstrings)
My lovely sister and I with our new cameras...we are obsessed (and yes we waited until Jack was asleep, put him on a towel, and moved him from place to place)
I must say that Tuesdays are quickly becoming my favourite day.Every Tuesday, approx 15 moms and I, meet at the Cloverdale health unit to discuss our experience and share stories.Thus, Tuesdays have now turned into the once a week reminder that I am not losing my mind.With Jack being the youngest member, I so appreciate everything that my new mom friends have taught me (as follows):